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Strategic Marketing Plan

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Why Clearing Your Browser Cache Is a Good Idea

Has anyone ever recommended that you clear your web browser’s cache? Clearing one’s cache has become somewhat of a joke at a time when app developers rush products to market only to discover they don’t work like they are supposed to. Yet despite careless developers relying on cache clearing to cover for their poor coding, the practice is still a good idea in principle.

It doesn’t matter whether you utilize 4G rural internet, city-based broadband, or the data plan on your phone, a full cache can have a negative influence on your online experience. A web browser’s cache is basically a good thing. But over time, it can turn into something bad. That is why experts recommend clearing your cache every now and again.

Never clearing your web browser’s cache allows the browser to continually store more and more data.

What It Is, What It Does

Your web browser’s cache is more or less a continually growing folder of internet files. Whenever you load the Blazing Hog website, for example, your browser checks to see if anything on our side has changed. If not, it loads saved images and text from your cache rather than downloading them from our site. The benefit is faster load speeds.

Caching is actually a process older than the internet itself. Software developers have utilized it since the earliest days of the personal computer. It is a solid concept that makes computers faster than they otherwise would be. But again, an untended cache can actually become a bad thing.

Too Much Data

Over time, the cache can get so big that it begins overwhelming the system. Your entire computer could get slower – even when you are not online – because the cache has become so big.

Individual pieces of software can also be slowed considerably by a bloated cache. Perhaps you use an antivirus software on your Mac or Windows PC. Every time your computer runs a scheduled scan, it has to go through that bloated cache folder. That only takes more time and more work.

Cache-Related Errors

You definitely want to clear your cache so that it doesn’t slow your computer down. But there is another reason for doing so: an outdated cache could actually cause errors when you are working online. Here are just a couple of examples:

Videos Won’t Load

You visit YouTube to catch your daily dose of viral videos. Everything worked fine yesterday. Today though, nothing is loading. Every time you click a video, all you get is a spinning circle. You are even more frustrated because videos seem to work just fine on your phone. Well, you could be experiencing a cache problem.

Some Sites Don’t Work

On a similar note, you might also find that some sites do not function normally. Images are missing or tools are gone. This can happen when web developers make changes that your browser doesn’t pick up on next time you visit. Your browser still tries to load the old information despite that information not being compatible with the new site.

We could continue with more examples, but you get the point. A bloated cache can cause all sorts of unintended problems. The solution is as simple as clearing it. If you don’t know how to do so, just look it up online. You will find instructions on thousands of websites.

Are you having problems with your rural internet service from Blazing Hog? If so, have you considered that maybe your problem is a bloated cache? Start by clearing your cache and see what happens. That might be all there is to it.

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